Sunday, February 1, 2009

TEN things you wish you could say to people in your life.
1. ATING!! Atun thesis! hahahaha
2. Ampi people...i had funsa taklong
3. Libz and JM! Dal-on ta ang bilog nga BD sa Taklong...plleeeaassee
4. Jerry Kent...ewan...hahaha...had fun sa taklong..hope you had too..
5. Tessa...when ka mapuli?? madayon ta sa Cebu
6. Ate Marga...soory if wala ko kareply lately...soorri gid..
7. Noel.... don't worry.... your roommates are here always...
8. Miki... wish u'r there in Taklong... and thanks
9. Batchmates.... lapit na laaang!
10. Mike... don't worry..i'm ok...

NINE things about yourself.
1. Lately I want to be alone
2. Procrastination is my disease
3. Eating is my "sweet temptation"
4. Getting slim is both a motivation and an endless frustration
5. I am prone in imitating popular expressions
6. I choose my battles... i know when to give up
7. Sleeping is a luxury for me....
8. I love Taklong.... I went there recently and I was like...WOW
9. Even though I'm not that good-looking..i'm narcissistic...

EIGHT ways to win your heart.
1. Play SimCity4 or Scrabble with me
2. Talk about geography and fiction with me, before we talk about other else
3. Be nice to my friends
4. Sleep in my room without any book or laptop... just you and your pillow (and of course your clothes...)
5. Spend the wee hours of the morning with me, sipping coffee together
6. Lie on my shoulder when you're tired...
7. Make me smile...
8. there...

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot.
1. THESIS..THESIS..THESIS..and a lot of mind conditioning
2. That personality development workshop
3. CAS Week....ugh, work
4. Noel because I know he needs a roommate...
5. The prospect of going to Cebu after grad...
6. How to make money....I"M BROKE!
7. Friends...=)

SIX people (groups of people in this case) who mean the world to you.
1. My family of course...
2. Roommates Noel and Duane
3. Bestfriend Gatz
4. Charotz.... (my beloved manens Tessa, Peter, Ferrie, Edgar, Jared, Melay [imissyou!])
5. Econ batchmates.... and thanks a lot..
6. Certain people who doesn't know that they matter to me...

FIVE things you do before you fall asleep.
1. Take a bath and brush my teeth
2. Select a good sleep song
3. Fix things for school
4. Say my prayers...
5. Think of any random thought....

FOUR things you’re wearing right now.
1. Shorts
2. quiz bee shirt
3. briefs
4. my souls' gown..cheka laang!

THREE songs that you listen to over and over again.
1. Look after you- The Fray
2. Tattooed on my Mind- D' Sound
3. Fiendship OST...the Thai song na hanggang nagyon e hindi ko pa rin alam ung translation

TWO things you want to do before you die.
1. Build a nice house
2. experience being loved...

ONE confession.
1. Oh, dunno.... i've got nothing to hide or publish in this case...

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